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Daniel O'Connell Timeline

Friday 29 November 2013

Archbishop's food Appeal

As part of the preparation for the confirmation Fr. Martin has suggested that the boys help out in the collection for the Archbishop’s Food Appeal in the church. The boys will help with the collection before the mass (so they will need to arrive 15 minutes before the mass) they will then attend the mass and help with the collection again for a few minutes after mass.

It is great that there has been such a great amount of people offing to come along and help and that says a huge amount about the boys in the class and their families.

Below is the rota of dates and times that boys will help with the collection for the appeal.

Sat 6pm
Sunday 9am
Sunday 10.30am
Sunday 12 noon
Sunday 6pm
Weekend 1
30th Nov
Patrick Whelan
Hugo Mulligan
Finn Cranston
Brian Barron
1st Dec
Brandon Caulfield
Oisín McMahon
1st Dec
Oisín McMahon
Oisin McGinley
1st Dec
Ben Thompson
Kyle Goad
Jack Brophy
1st Dec
Pappy Tucker
Jeff McGovern
Rory Boyle
Flinn Storan
Weekend 2
Sat 14th
Tadhg Harnett
Peter Garvey
Casey Whelan
Ronan Shaw
Sun 15th
Joshua Kuh Hogan
Kyle Goad
Sun 15th
Matthew McDonnell
Daniel Maher
Peter Garvey
Aaron Lynch
Sun 15th
Jimmy Crowe
Ben Breslin
Sun 15th
Donal O’Malley
Liam Carr
Adrian Capacite