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Daniel O'Connell Timeline

Monday 6 January 2014

Research for Young Scientist Powerpoints

Headings for Sections of Powerpoints.
  1. Sense (Title and Intro)
  2. Where in our body does the sense affect? (Diagrams and Theory)
  3. Test (Experiments to show presence and strength of the sense)
  4. Applications in Sport. (Where we use each sense when preparing for or playing sports)
  5. Improvement (Exercises or training that we can do to heighten/strengthen our senses to help us in sports)
Touch-Reactions/Central Nervous system.....1,7,12,17,22&27
Sight                                                            2,8,13,18,23&28
Balance (Ears and Centre of Gravity)        3,9,14,19,24&29
Smell and Taste (Nutrition)                         5,10,15,20&25
Hearing                                                         6,11,16,21&26