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Daniel O'Connell Timeline

Friday 7 March 2014

Maths Eyes Photography Competition

Congratulations to Matthew from our class who came third in his age category (Under 14's) of the Maths Eyes Photography Competition. There were over 600 entries in his category and you will see from the quality of his entry below that he was unlucky not to come in first place in the competition. The competition was run by Maths Week Ireland and the aim was to take pictures of Maths concepts occurring in the real world. Matthew chose "Parallel" lines and used the excellent example of the smoke trail of 2 planes at the Flightfest air show in Dublin. The presentation of prizes took place last Wednesday the 3rd of March in the national Centre for Excellence in Education.

for more details please see....      http://www.haveyougotmathseyes.com/

Well done Matthew, we are all very proud of you.