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Daniel O'Connell Timeline

Saturday 14 December 2013

Hearing Sensitivity Test

Test to measure hearing sensitivity
Aim. To compare the hearing sensitivity of all of the members of our class in order to prove that individuals have different levels of hearing sensitivity.
  1. metre stick
  2. trundle wheel
  3. alarm (on phone)
  4. lollipop stick
  1. human subjects
  2. chart (and clipboard)
  3. pens
  4. whistle
  5. large outdoor space
  6. camera (to document evidence)


  1. Each subject got a lollipop stick and wrote his/her name on it.
  2. In a large outdoor space we marked a starting point where the alarm would sound. Then all subjects walked 100 metres away from the starting point (for measurement). 
  3. Then the tester started the alarm and blew the whistle for the first subject to start walking back in a straight line towards the starting point with his/her lollipop stick in hand. As soon as the subject heard the alarm he/she had to place their lollipop stick into the ground to mark the point where they first heard the alarm.
  4. After one or two subjects had done the experiment we decided as a group for them to begin walking toward the starting point from about 30 metres away as we found that 100 metres was much to far away.
  5. Point 3 was repeated until all subjects had placed their lollipop sticks into the ground.
  6. We then returned to the starting point with the trundle wheel and measured how far each lollipop stick was away from the starting point. We recorded these results in a chart.
Results affected by wind and passing traffic noise.